Realtor | Appraiser | Tyler Finkler

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What to Know Before Selling

Before you take on selling one of your biggest investments, take a look at what you should know before doing so.

How long will it take to sell?

The goal is to sell in the quickest time for the highest possible price. In order to do this, you need to be realistic about the value of you home. In today’s market and when priced right, it should take no longer than 30 days to get a home under contract (less than a week in many markets!). After a contract is signed, it will take another 30 days on average to close.

What are homes selling for around me?

It’s good to know what homes are selling for nearby to give you an idea of the range you need to be in. (Click here to see what your home is worth)

When is the best time to sell?

It’s no secret that the optimal time to sell your home is in the Spring and Summer seasons. Mortgage rates are extremely low and there are many serious buyer’s on the market year-round. If you need to make repairs before selling, use this time to do so. If you’re ready to sell, the time is now!

What does it cost to sell a home

When using a typical realtor, you can expect to spend 7%-8% of your sales price. With us, that percentage is no more than 5%. (Click here to see the costs to consider)

What do I have to do? Is selling hard?

We provide selling services to make this process as easy as possible. With our Virtual Showing options, there will be minimal people in your home so you do not have to worry about constant visits. Just keep your line open for us, so that we can let you know when the offers come rolling in!

What paperwork do I need?

In Ohio, you only need 2-3 documents to complete a real estate transaction. When you sell with us, we make all documents digitally sign-able for your convenience.

What Other professionals do I need?

We have a great relationship with local pros who can assist you with anything you need. When it comes to your home sale, we have you covered from start to close.