Realtor | Appraiser | Tyler Finkler

homes in a neighborhood

What a Buyer Wants

Did you know that the average home buyer visits 10 homes in a span of 10 weeks before purchasing? Take a look at more buyer characteristics that will help you understand your target audience.

Buyers are Online

According to the National Association of Realtors, 93% of buyers search online websites for homes. 4 out of 5 home buyers search for homes on Zillow.

Buyers are Local

Last year, 17% of buyers moved from the same neighborhood. While 35% of buyers moved from the same city and 34% from the same state!

Buyers’ Main Wants

People want to live in safe-walkable neighborhoods with short commute times to work or school. Also close to shopping, restaurants, and other leisure.

Top 5 Home Characteristics Wants

  1. Within Initial Budget
  2. Preferred # of Bedrooms
  3. Air Condition
  4. Off-Street Parking
  5. Private Outdoor Space